Mining Race Terminology


ASIC stands for application-specific integrated circuit — a device utilized for mining cryptocurrencies.
Auto-Pilot Mode: This is the mode of Mining Race activated after the Mining Grid reaches the 1M Racers cap.


Block: Blocks are files where information pertaining to the Bitcoin network on transactions completed during a specific period are permanently recorded.
Blockchain: A digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed and stored on a public database on the blockchain is called Blockchain.


Champions Races: These are all the races set by MINING RACE Organization Team with certain rules and bonuses for Racers and Leaders included.
Cruisers: These are the next 25% of Spots in the Mining Grid sorted by the highest Runner count, after the Top Racers.
Community Engines: These are the community’s automated miners which are bought using the community earnings and owned and hosted by the Mining Race.
Community Fuel: 8% of earnings that are generated from each Spot.


Fuel Tank: Earnings from Community Fuel and Engine Fuel, along with incentive payout for Top Racers that have lesser than 6 leaders all go to the Fuel Tank. This tank distributes rewards to the community depending on either the Racing Mode or Auto-Pilot Mode.


Genesis Engine: This is the first Community Engine that occupies the first Spot in the Mining Grid.


Incentive Earnings: Rewards received from your Runner Spots.
Incentives Payouts: 18% of total ASIC earnings transferred to up to 6 Leader Spots.


Late Runners: These are the lower 50% of Spots in the Mining Grid sorted by the highest Runner count, after the Top Racers and Cruisers.


Miners: Are the Mining Machines typically ASICs
Mining: Mining is the process of creating new units of a digital currency. For example, the Bitcoin network releases new bitcoins every time a block is mined. In this instance, mining involves confirming transactions and combining them into blocks.
Mining Grid Farm: This is the Bitcoin mining farm.
Mining Grid Spot: This is the digital location in the Mining Grid associated with an embedded NFT to be subscribed to on a yearly basis, which represents the location of each Miner or Racer. SPOT allows you to collect the Network incentive.
Mining Reward: This is the basic Bitcoin Mining Reward received from generating a new block.
Mining Race Reward: It is the Reward granted by the Mining Race Network for Mining Racers.
Mining Race Market Place: This is the marketplace to buy new Miners.


NFTs The term NFT stands for Non-fungible Token. They are digital assets and can include a wide range of unique tangible and intangible items. The term non-fungible means something that can’t be replaced with something else.


Off-chain Transactions occuring outside the blockchain and executed instantly are termed as off-chain.
Order Book At an exchange, an electronic list of all buy and sell orders is termed as order book.
Over the counter When cryptocurrencies trades are done directly between two parties without the involvment of an exchange, it is termed as OTCPaper Wallets Used in the early 2010s, a paper wallet contains your wallet address, private keys and a QR code representing these keys, which facilitates the transfer and receiving of coins or tokens.


PoHP: Stands for “Proof of Hash Power” a mechanism introduced by Mining Race where Racers need to verify that they have an active miner producing Hash Power to the network.


RACE: Stands for “Redistributed Assets Coordination Ecosystem” the name of the innovative business method used in the Mining Race System.
Racers: These are all registered users or participants inside of the Mining Grid who have subscribed Spots.
Racing Mode: This is the default mode of Mining Race before the Mining Grid reaches the 1M Racers cap.


Spot Income: Earnings generated for an Individual Racer from each Spot.


The Mining Race: Is the umbrella project and organization.
The Mining Grid: The name of the network itself.
Top Racers: These are the top 25% of Spots in the Mining Grid sorted by the highest Runner count.